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Three Reasons Our Customers Are Excited About Teradata Everywhere™

Three Reasons Our Customers Are Excited About Teradata Everywhere™

For decades, Teradata has powered data-driven decisions at the most innovative and leading companies in the world. Our amazing customers love us because of our smart people and great technology. Today, we’re announcing Teradata Everywhere. Teradata is a hybrid cloud company and the best of our software is available in the public cloud on Amazon Web Services and coming soon on Microsoft Azure, in Teradata Managed Cloud, VMWare® and IntelliFlex. With the announcement of Teradata Everywhere, we’re giving power, flexibility and choice to our customers.

First, Teradata is now the most powerful analytical database available in the cloud. Technology benchmarks prove that point. In apples-to-apples comparisons, Teradata on AWS outperforms the likes of Amazon Redshift by orders of magnitude, particularly for the types of analytical workloads that companies typically run on Teradata. Doug Henschen, analyst at Constellation Research and respected industry commentator wrote on his ZDNet blog recently, “In a Teradata test, the same queries were run on two-node instances of Teradata on AWS and Azure and on two-node and eight-node instances of Redshift on AWS. After 39 minutes, Teradata had completed tens of thousands of queries, while Redshift configurations completed 53 queries and 310 queries [on its two-node and eight-node instances respectively].”

Commenting on that same benchmark, Mark Smith, analyst at Ventana Research, tweeted “@ratzesberger just gave @awscloud Redshift the implicit slapdown!”

We believe that Teradata will quickly become the standard for powerful analytics in the cloud.

Second, Teradata Everywhere offers our customers the speed and flexibility to deploy complex analytical environments spread across a single hybrid cloud environment. Today, it typically takes most companies several quarters, if not years, to build and deploy these complex analytical environments with a mix of open and closed-source technologies. The cloud allows us to do that in 25 minutes. We are literally standing up analytical environments for some of the hackathons that we run — out of our Teradata Labs offices in San Diego, and elsewhere. Our customers can now deploy multiple Teradata systems integrated in a hybrid cloud environment very rapidly.

We believe that the speed and flexibility Teradata offers will allow more companies to innovate quickly and build new analytical applications for their business.

Third, we are giving our customers unprecedented choice. Not surprisingly, we have a wide spectrum of customers, in a variety of industries and with a variety of use cases. Big data and analytics are not monolithic. This is a very domain and problem-specific arena. Some of our customers have specific use cases that are better suited for the cloud or on-premises, and vice versa. Others are on a roadmap to move everything to the cloud. Other customers have no intention of moving their analytical workloads to the cloud at all. With Teradata Everywhere, we offer each customer their own personal choice. In many cases we see prototypes being built in the cloud to try out an idea quickly. They can spin up a new kind of Data Lab in the cloud to test an idea – and they can do so more quickly now that Teradata is everywhere. Our customers can use the exact same Teradata software, whether it is on-premises, in the managed cloud or in the public cloud.

We believe these choices will finally break down the silos that exist today between public cloud, hosted and on-premises systems – ones that don’t talk to each-other.

We continue to give companies more reasons to choose Teradata — everywhere.

Portrait of Oliver Ratzesberger

Oliver Ratzesberger

Mr. Ratzesberger has a proven track record in executive management, as well as 20+ years of experience in analytics, large data processing and software engineering.

Oliver’s journey started with Teradata as a customer, driving innovation on its scalable technology base. His vision of how the technology could be applied to solve complex business problems led to him joining the company. At Teradata, he has been the architect of the strategy and roadmap, aimed at transformation. Under Oliver’s leadership, the company has challenged itself to become a cloud enabled, subscription business with a new flagship product. Teradata’s integrated analytical platform is the fastest growing product in its history, achieving record adoption.

During Oliver’s tenure at Teradata he has held the roles of Chief Operating Officer and Chief Product Officer, overseeing various business units, including go-to-market, product, services and marketing. Prior to Teradata, Oliver worked for both Fortune 500 and early-stage companies, holding positions of increasing responsibility in technology and software development, including leading the expansion of analytics during the early days of eBay.

A pragmatic visionary, Oliver frequently speaks and writes about leveraging data and analytics to improve business outcomes. His book with co-author Professor Mohanbir Sawhney, “The Sentient Enterprise: The Evolution of Decision Making,” was published in 2017 and was named to the Wall Street Journal Best Seller List. Oliver’s vision of the Sentient Enterprise is recognized by customers, analysts and partners as a leading model for bringing agility and analytic power to enterprises operating in a digital world.

Oliver is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program and earned his engineering degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from HTL Steyr in Austria.

He lives in San Diego with his wife and two daughters. View all posts by Oliver Ratzesberger

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