Teradata Success Services
Teradata offers Teradata Success Services to provide Customers with the ability to choose the level of service needed to keep their analytic ecosystem up and running and maximize their technology investment. Teradata Success Services build upon Teradata Premier Support and range from foundational platform enablement services, to proactive operational services and management. Teradata Success Services are subject to any remote connectivity requirements.
Customers with a Teradata Success Services contract on one or more installed Teradata platforms are entitled to a Teradata Education Checkbook based of Teradata’s then current Checkbook allowance. The Checkbook can be used solely toward Teradata University subscriptions, web-based courses, public virtual instructor-led classes, or Teradata Certification exam vouchers.
- The Checkbook follows the start and end date of the service level agreement and must be used during the current contracted period. Checkbook balances will not carry forward.
- Training Checkbook dollars do not roll over after the end of the applicable services period. Any unused dollars remaining at the end of the services period will be forfeited.
- Written notice cancelling or rescheduling of a confirmed training class must be received no less than10 business days or fewer before the training starts. Cancelling or rescheduling less than 10 business days will result in 100% debit of the training Checkbook or 100% payment of the agreed price, including any instructor travel expenses.
Teradata Essential
Teradata will deliver the following services as part of the Teradata Essential service for a Customer’s platform. This service requires that the platform has Premier Support coverage and is only available for the Teradata database.
If a valid order for Essential is executed for the “Customer-Level” offering program, which entitles all of Customer’s Teradata Database Platforms and associated Teradata supported BAR solutions to the Essential Offer, Customer must meet the following requirements to maintain eligibility to participate in the program: 1) Customer must have at least one Teradata platform on a current Teradata General Customer Availability (GCA) release; 2) Customer must have Essential coverage on all of its Teradata database platforms; and 3) After the initial year migration, Customer-Level pricing will only apply to platforms on General Customer Availability (GCA) release at the time of Support renewal.
Assigned Service Management
Teradata will identify technical resources that will be specifically assigned to provide Teradata Essential services to Customer.
The Customer Support Plan will identify the individual by name, identify the specific roles and accountability in delivering Services, and provide direct contact information.
For each Severity 1 problem, a Teradata Representative will conduct a “postmortem” analysis that includes a closed loop corrective action plan. The foregoing is only applicable to Teradata integrated hardware and software solutions provided by Teradata and does not apply to Public Cloud solutions. Teradata will also inform Customer of any changes in Product Support Policy permitted by and in accordance with this document, any Order, or the Agreement.
Availability Management Reporting
Teradata will make available to Customer, on a monthly basis via Teradata Support, a system availability report that documents the Teradata database system’s planned and unplanned availability and includes statistics for system maintenance, change control, customer induced activities, and unplanned down time affecting availability.
If Customer does not have access to Teradata Support, an availability management report will be provided quarterly. Downtime, for the purposes of availability reporting, will commence when Teradata is informed by Customer either verbally or through automated tools that their system is down and will continue until the Teradata login is restored so that the Customer may begin the necessary steps to again use the system.
The system availability report does not include time for data restoration and/or validation. Availability reporting is not included when customer elects Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on-site support Hours of Coverage. This report excludes BAR Product(s). Not available for systems with Premier Software Only, Public Cloud Support or Teradata solutions on non-Teradata supported hardware.
Change Control Management
With Customer’s assistance and approval, Teradata will develop and document a written change control plan, following Teradata’s then-current implementation management and processes outlining the implementation plan, test plan, back-out and recovery plan, and the responsibilities of both Customer and Teradata in implementing Field Retrofit Orders (FROs) and Teradata-installed Database and Operating System Software releases consisting of fixes and patches (n), maintenance release updates (Z), minor release updates (Y) and major release updates (X).
During such implementations, Teradata will provide Remote Support (or On-Site Support, at Teradata’s discretion) throughout the implementation of the change control plan. This service does not apply to BAR software products, unless covered under the Essential “Customer-Level” program. This service only applies to maintenance and patch/fix releases for Premier Cloud Support platform products.
All Change Control development is subject to the 28-day notification requirement and must be requested via the Teradata Support portal.
Critical Patch Review
On a weekly basis, for each certified release of a Teradata database, Teradata will review the technical alert and any corresponding patch information to determine its applicability to Customer’s environment. If Teradata determines that the patch should be applied to Customer’s system, Teradata will notify Customer that the patch is available and provide a recommendation as to when it should be installed.
Customer Support Plan
Teradata will document the detailed support processes through which on-going support will be delivered to Customer including both Customer’s and Teradata’s roles and responsibilities in those processes.
The support plan will be reviewed with Customer annually and updated as necessary by Teradata.
Software Implementation
Remote installation will be provided by Teradata for all available supported releases of Teradata software and operating system, and Teradata managed application (e.g. Viewpoint) software during the Remote and On-Site Support “Hours of Coverage” that apply to Severity 1 cases.
Teradata may, at its sole discretion, perform such installations on-site. On-Site installation of all releases by Teradata outside Customer’s Severity 1 Remote or On-Site Support Hours of Coverage, or when installed On-Site at Customer’s request when the change is remotely installable, is out-of-scope. This Service does not apply to BAR software products, unless covered under the Essential “Customer-Level” program. For Premier Public Cloud Do It Yourself (DIY) platform products, Software Implementation service only applies to maintenance releases and patches/fixes.
Performance Data Collection Reporting (PDCR) Configuration
PDCR (Performance Data Collection and Reporting) is a data collection application which provides data to support the understanding of database performance characteristics and workload utilization. Teradata will enable and configure the PDCR database and tool so that historic database and query performance can be captured allowing Customer to make optimal future workload, platform management, and consumption decisions.
Teradata will review and update PDCR on an annual basis. PDCR is Teradata version specific. Each time a major Teradata version update is released, PDCR must be updated. If at the time of the Teradata major release version upgrade, the customer has PDCR installed, Teradata will install and migrate Customer’s PDCR data to the latest PDCR version. Essential services provide for one PDCR upgrade per year or provide for when a major PDCR update occurs. These services will be performed remotely and may be performed offshore.
- This service does not apply to Customer “altered” PDCR tools. Customer will be subject to additional fees if PDCR tools have been altered.
- Requires remote connectivity. At Teradata’s discretion, this service may not be delivered due to certain remote and/or restricted access requirements by Customer that preclude delivery of the service.
Software Release Management
On a quarterly basis, Teradata will review new certified Teradata maintenance release updates (Z) and fixes and patches (n), and if applicable to deployment, Teradata will recommend patches and releases that should be applied proactively to avoid possible failures.
For supported non-Teradata branded Software covered by an order for support, Teradata will review applicable security patches on a quarterly basis. Teradata will not make recommendations to customers for Microsoft Hotfixes or Service Packs until certified by Teradata Engineering.
State of Health Reporting
Teradata will provide access to a “Platform Health Check” report that is accessible on https://support.teradata.com to identify potential errors or issues that need to be addressed. Platform Health Check findings and recommendations will also be reviewed during Operational reviews described below. This service does not apply to BAR software products.
Support Performance Reporting
Teradata will make available to Customer, monthly via Teradata Support, a service performance report that identifies the response and resolution time for each case submitted to a Teradata Service Center. The reports will provide statistics for all Teradata cases opened and closed during the reporting period, including the number of cases open at the start of the reporting period, the number opened during the reporting period, the number closed during the reporting period, and the number still open at the end of the reporting period.
Additionally, a summary disposition will be provided for each case closed during the reporting period, including the severity status of the call, average problem resolution times, and the percentage of case calls closed within the guidelines. Additional statistics will be included at Teradata’s discretion.
If Customer does not have access to Teradata Support, a service performance report will be provided quarterly.
Service Reviews
For each contract year, Teradata will provide Customer the following support Reviews: one Operational review per quarter and one Executive review per year.
Operational reviews will, at a minimum, cover current service performance, review summary results from any “Platform Health Checks”, review critical technical alerts, and discuss potential future changes to Customers environment.
The Executive review will, at a minimum, include a review of service performance statistics. The specific agenda, discussion points and the identity of participants from both Teradata and Customer will be as mutually agreed upon. These reviews will be conducted remotely, via telephone unless an on-site meeting is mutually agreeable.
Teradata Viewpoint Setup and Review
Teradata Viewpoint provides a web-based interface for managing and monitoring Teradata platforms. The service includes the following activities:
Configure up to 3 Viewpoint shared pages and up to 25 alerts for the Customer based on best practices. This activity will be done only on systems covered under the Essential contract.
Mentor up to 5 customer users so that they understand how to best utilize the Viewpoint configuration to monitor and manage their system(s).
Conduct an annual review and audit of Customer’s Viewpoint setup following, the initial activity, and adjust as needed.
- For Teradata to deliver this service offering, it is assumed that Customer already has an existing Viewpoint setup and the Teradata systems are connected to Viewpoint. Customer is responsible for any ongoing management of portlets, shared pages, monitoring of Viewpoint alerts, and any actions that need to be taken to ensure connectivity.
- Requires remote connectivity. At Teradata’s discretion, this service may not be delivered due to certain remote and/or restricted access requirements by Customer that preclude delivery of the service.
Teradata Performance
In addition to the services included in Teradata Essential, Teradata will deliver the following additional Services as part of the Teradata Performance service for a Customer’s platform. This service requires the platform has Premier Support coverage and is only available for the Teradata database.
Basic Database Health Checks
On a weekly basis, Teradata will perform database health checks based on best practices to ensure database availability.
Database Monitoring
Teradata will setup automated alerts and thresholds to monitor the database and platform for trends and report issues to customer as soon as they are discovered.
All alerts will be consumed and displayed in the Teradata Operations Management (TOM) portal, which is accessible via Teradata Support.
Database Performance Reporting
Teradata will make available to Customer, online database performance reports that show how the platform is running month over month. Reports show database performance in terms of CPU utilization, space growth, query performance and throughput. These reports are based on PDCR data and will be viewable through the TOM portal.
As part of this service, Teradata will report monthly:
- Collect and report monthly system usage statistics, performance and capacity data
- Report performance and capacity of the Teradata database environment
- Space usage trend reports by database
- Checktable, packdisk, and scandisk results
- Resource usage reports
DBA Advisor On-Demand
On an as-needed basis, not to exceed 16 hours per quarter, Customer will have access to Teradata database experts to address Teradata database questions. Customer may request to speak to a DBA, workload management or performance expert to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Customer cannot use the experts to perform any actual tasks or work on the system.
Hours do not roll over after the end of the applicable services period. Any unused hours remaining at the end of the quarter will be forfeited by the Customer.
All requests will be made through Teradata Support and is subject to the 48-hour local business day notification requirement.
Once a request is made, Teradata will schedule a remote meeting/call with the expert during Customer local business hours.
Self-Service: Users, Objects & Space Management
Teradata will make available to Customer access to the TOM self-service portal which will enable the customer DBAs to perform certain management functions for Teradata database objects, user and space.
To enable this functionality Teradata will deploy the TOM agent on a Teradata Managed Server (TMS) or any other services that the customer will provide within the customer environment. Customer will be required to provide appropriate network access to enable communication between the agent and portal.
Teradata Optimize
In addition to the services in Teradata Essential and Teradata Performance, Teradata will deliver the following services as part of the Teradata Optimize service for a Customer’s platform. This service requires the platform has Premier Support coverage and is only available for the Teradata database.
All Teradata Optimize engagements begin with an initial transition phase. In this phase Teradata consultants work with the customer to accomplish the following:
Jointly validate Ecosystem Baseline Metrics, including, but not limited to, object counts, case and change metric counts.
Jointly agree upon support and escalation processes including but not limited to:
- Case and Problem Management
- Change Management
- Configuration and Release Management
- Service Requests and Work Orders
- Communication and Escalation Management
- Resource Management
- End User Support Requests
Jointly develop a Customer Optimization Plan to serve as a guide to the Teradata consultants in the delivery of the services. This plan will document the customer procedures and processes, the timing and frequency of the services to be provided, and the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved in the delivery of the defined services.
Perform knowledge transfer of the Customer’s ecosystem which includes knowledge of existing development processes, operational processes, tools and technologies, business processes and application customizations etc.
Validate connectivity for remote resources to Customer’s ecosystem
This transition period will serve to:
- Allow Teradata consultants to gain hands on knowledge and experience with Customer's specific Teradata Environment
- Provide Teradata consultants with an understanding of the Customer's infrastructure and support processes
- Introduce Customer personnel to Teradata consultants
Unless otherwise specified, services will be delivered remotely. Teradata lists a set of tasks under its responsibility which our consultants may perform during delivery of services. Customer and Teradata will exercise diligence to prioritize the required tasks to fit the agreed upon coverage hours and case/ticket volumes.
Teradata DBAs will utilize well-known best practices that have been refined over the years to make sure that the Customer’s database is running optimally. Their findings, recommendations and best practices methodology will be shared with the customer so that changes may be implemented as necessary.
Customers can submit Optimize service tickets and/or changes through the Teradata Operations Management (TOM) Portal – available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Teradata will respond to tickets during the chosen customer primary coverage window. If customers submit tickets outside their primary coverage window – that is, during their secondary coverage window – Teradata will investigate and resolve only S1 critical cases and respond to all other tickets the next business day.
If customers exceed the monthly limits for their primary coverage window, Teradata accommodates excess tickets by up to 5% of the threshold and responds by severity. If tickets exceed the monthly limit more than two consecutive months, Teradata may suggest the customer use a different level of support.
Primary Coverage Window |
Monthly Limits |
Tickets |
Changes |
24-Hour Shift
Monday – Sunday (All hours) |
315 |
40 |
16-Hour Shift
Monday – Sunday |
210 |
25 |
16-Hour Shift
Monday – Friday |
130 |
20 |
12-Hour Shift
Monday – Friday |
95 |
15 |
8-Hour Shift
Monday – Friday |
65 |
10 |
As part of the ongoing Optimize services, Teradata will perform proactive and request based task related to the following functional areas
Teradata offers remote DBA Operations Support via the Optimize Success Service. This service is delivered with 5 primary coverage windows. During the primary coverage windows, all ticket severities will be worked, with priority given to the highest priority and production systems. During the secondary coverage window, defined as all hours outside of the primary coverage window, severity 1 tickets will be worked
For Teradata to provide support services it is required for Customer to provide operational baseline metrics, whenever possible.
Hours of Coverage and Response Times
Option |
Remote Support Coverage |
Response Times |
24x7 Primary Coverage Window |
24 hours a day, 7 days per week, for all cases with priority given to the highest priority and production systems |
Primary Coverage Window: 30-minute response for severity 1, 60-minute response to all other severities |
16x7 Primary Coverage Window |
16 hours a day, 7 days per week, for all cases with priority given to the highest priority and production systems
Severity 1 only tickets will be worked outside of the above window (Secondary Coverage Window) |
Primary Coverage Window: 30-minute response for severity 1, 60-minute response for all other severities
Secondary Coverage Window: 60-minute response for severity 1 only |
16x5 Primary Coverage Window |
16 hours a day, 5 days per week, for all cases with priority given to the highest priority and production systems
Severity 1 only tickets will be worked outside of the above window (Secondary Coverage Window) |
Primary Coverage Window: 30-minute response for severity 1, 60-minute response for all other severities
Secondary Coverage Window: 60-minute response for severity 1 only |
12x5 Primary Coverage Window |
12 hours a day, 5 days per week, for all cases with priority given to the highest priority and production systems
Severity 1 only tickets will be worked outside of the above window (Secondary Coverage Window |
Primary Coverage Window: 30-minute response for severity 1, 60-minute response for all other severities
Secondary Coverage Window: 60-minute response for severity 1 only |
8x5 Primary Coverage Window |
8 hours a day, 5 days per week, for all cases with priority given to the highest priority and production systems
Severity 1 only tickets will be worked outside of the above window (Secondary Coverage Window) |
Primary Coverage Window: 30-minute response for severity 1, 60-minute response for all other severities
Secondary Coverage Window: 60-minute response for severity 1 only |
Database Operations and Administration
Teradata will maintain the Teradata database structures, space, users, purge jobs and alerts associated with the Teradata environment. As used here, the term “maintain” means to add, delete, or modify Teradata database structures as required. The operations will involve the monitoring of alerts, queries, locking logger, access locks and database performance.
Database System Administration
As required, Teradata will add, delete, or modify users, directories, access rights, disk space and processes that are associated with the underlying OS on the Teradata Platform (e.g. Cron jobs, etc.).
Database Performance Tools Operations
On a periodic basis, Teradata will utilize best practices, tools and automation to improve and manage the performance database. Focusing on, analyzing and fixing performance problems resulting in saving CPU, IO, space and providing a more stable platform with better response times.
Provided Teradata Active System Management (TASM) (i.e. workload management tools) is installed and configured, Teradata will maintain the Teradata Performance tool settings of the data warehouse environment on an ongoing basis. The Teradata Performance tools included as part of this service are Teradata Viewpoint alerts, Teradata Priority Scheduler Facility and Teradata database workload management tool settings.
Teradata Database Optimization
Teradata will monitor and analyze the database activity, mix of queries/jobs, query/job priority, etc., to identify performance tuning opportunities as part of the monthly system and performance report. Set up of the workload management environment is outside of the scope of this contract. Performance optimization activities will be taken up by DBA based on available band width.
Backup and Restore (BAR) Operations & Administration
BAR Environment Administration
As required, Teradata will add, delete, or modify existing Teradata processes associated with the BAR environment. Teradata will monitor the operations of the BAR processes within the agreed upon coverage window and respond to any Backup related cases.
Teradata will also report any backup or restore failure and attempt to restart correct any failures as needed. Teradata will report monthly backup statistics.
BAR Operations
As required, Teradata will monitor the operations of the BAR processes within the agreed coverage window and respond to any backup related cases.
Teradata will execute, monitor, repair, and restart backup/restore jobs as required and monitor BAR processes for successful completion and troubleshoot when necessary.
Customer Optimization Plan
Teradata will provide Customer with an optimization plan that includes a compilation of the procedures and operations executed by an administrator or support team for a Teradata environment. The optimization plan is jointly created by Teradata and the Customer team and documents, in detail, the operational aspect of the Teradata environment. It is not meant to be a detailed job run book for database jobs/process.
The optimization plan will be reviewed with Customer annually and updated as necessary by Teradata.